About me
Hi and very pleased to meet you, my name is Lorenzo I am chairman of the Associazione Culturale Il Monastero, as well as External Communication Coordinator of the youthNET Network, which broadly means my task is to carry out what promotional and visibility activities the General Assembly tells me and my team to do, in very simple words. So what to say, almost 32 years old, as you can guess from the picture and the background, from Italy, Rome to be precise, and an incurable NGO and Youth Worker. Though it wasn’t always like that.
My Background
In my background I have many years spent as journalist, some as international observer for OSCE, and even some time spent in politics and business, but in the end I found my way, youth work and freelance training, and the writing, I keep for myself as a hobby.
Why am I in youthNET
Why youthNET, in many years I’ve seen a vast number of youth networks which I will not mention here, some had the mere interest to have international meetings and have fun and that’s it, others were so focused on Brussels ambitions that entirely focused on international co-operation for international activities. With youthNET we tried something different international co-operation for local improvement, or else the goal of the network is to use international synergies to improve local youth work, and our goal is strictly local, through campaigns, trainings and other common projects which have the main goal to give something to bring back locally, focusing on the strong co-operation and reciprocal learning between three regions, East Europe and Caucasus, European Union and South East Europe.
Purpose of this blog
The purpose is very simple, is to show to the outside world what youthNET is doing and has done so far, and to inform the outside world about us and our activities. Hope you will find this both interesting and entertaining, as well as our website, facebook group and developing Youtube Channel.
All the best wherever you are.
Lorenzo Nava