Hello dear youthNETers and Fans ,
As you probably realised since a couple of days youthNET is not just about youth, but has also increased its presence on the NET. That's right! We have know our own YouTube Channel which you can find by clicking here or by simply going on youtube.com and digit theyouthnet4news, if that was not enough, we also have now our own Vimeo channel, so far the content is pretty similar just digit here or go to vimeo.com and digit youthnet4news, you can see some video samples also here on this blog, or via FaceBook. You may be thinking, well no big deal, just wait and see, because youthNET is now registered on digg.com, stumbleupon.com, delicious.com, platforms for bookmarks and blogger communities. And this is only the start, within the next couple of days our Flickr album will be updated , and this blog too, with all the news coming from 28 partners dislocated across Europe, so, keep on reading us.
The Editor
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